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how to cook skewered kebab and flavored wheat


Ground beef: 200g

Onion: 1, small (finely chopped)

Tomato powder: 2 tsp

Turmeric: 2 tsp

Parsley: 1 Tbsp

Basil: 1 Tbsp

Salt: 1 tsp

Red Pepper: ½ tsp

Ginger: ½ tsp



Wheat: 1 Cup

Tomato: 1, large (chopped)

Peppermint: 1 Tbsp

Butter: 15g

Salt: 2 tsp

Pepper: 1 pinch


Make the kebab this way:

1. Knead the meat with the finely chopped onions for 2-3 minutes.

2. Add spices and keep kneading until all become finely mixed.

3. Divide the meat into four even parts and flat them around the skewers.

4. Place it in a cool place for about half an hour.

5. Grill each side for 5 minutes on the barbecue and add some cheddar cheese on top at the end.


Make the wheat this way:

1. Soak the wheat in lukewarm water for half an hour, then cook it with 3 cups of water, butter, and a little bit of salt.

2. Add chopped tomatoes and mint when water leveled with wheat.

3. Wait till the water runs out, stir the ingredients and give it 10-15 minutes more time on low heat. You can add lemon juice and thyme at the end for more flavor.


Serving: Put kebabs on top of the wheat and serve with Tabbouleh salad or flavored yogurt.



1. You can cook the kebabs in an oven or in a pan.

2. If your barbecue has direct flames, use steel skewers instead of wooden.


Preparation Time: 30
Cook Time: 30
Total Time: 60
Serving: 2
Calories: 800


recipe for kebab

kebab with wooden skewer


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